Factsheets EN

The year 1900 – how the world looked when the SIA was found­ed

A brief overview of the most important international and national events in the year the SIA was founded.

Media releases

More than 90 per cent of the pop­u­la­tion un­der­es­ti­mate Switzer­land’s earth­quake risk

The Swiss Insurance Association (SIA) presents a solid premium volume for 2024 and a study by Sotomo at its annual media conference.


Wel­come Toa Re Eu­rope!

The reinsurer Toa Re Europe has been a member of the Swiss Insurance Association SIA since 1 January 2025.


BAK Study 2024: in­sur­ers re­main the most pro­duc­tive sec­tor in the fi­nan­cial in­dus­try

The BAK study shows that private insurance was still one of the most productive and economically important sectors in Switzerland in 2023.

Forward-looking solutions – with the SIA

The Swiss Insurance Association (SIA) is the industry association for Swiss private insurers. With approximately 70 members – including global primary insurers and reinsurers as well as nationally oriented specialist property, life and supplementary health insurers – the association represents over 95 per cent of the insurance premiums generated in Switzerland. The SIA is committed to the insurance industry’s sustainable development and promotes solutions that contribute to the stability and security of the Swiss economy and society. As such, the private insurance industry makes a significant contribution to prosperity within Switzerland. The sector is one of the most productive and highest value-creating economic sectors in the country and employs roughly 50,000 employees. 2025 sees the SIA celebrate its 125th anniversary.