Raison d’être and strategy 2025–2028
The Swiss Insurance Association (SIA) represents the interests of the private insurance industry at national and international level. With its 2025–2028 strategy, it will strive to create optimal conditions for its members’ future business activities and to demonstrate the economic importance of the insurance sector to the public. The strategic priorities set out the topics that the SIA will focus on over the next four years in its internal and external endeavours.
Purpose of the association
The Swiss Insurance Association (SIA) is the industry association of the Swiss private insurance industry. It represents the interests of its member companies at national and international level. To this end, it prepares principles, standards and policy positions. It engages in constructive dialogue with stakeholders and builds suitable alliances to ensure that these are accepted, enabling a good, long-term framework for the private insurance industry. The SIA’s interests are thus in alignment with those of the Swiss economy and of Switzerland as a business hub.
«Risk solidarity for a strong Swiss society and economy.»
The SIA contributes its expertise to debates relevant to the insurance industry in a public and targeted way. Regulatory and supervisory initiatives that either have a direct impact on the insurance industry or significantly affect it indirectly are highly important. Where appropriate, the SIA draws on the work of the two umbrella organisations economiesuisse and the Swiss Employers’ Association (SAV).
The raison d’être succinctly sums up the role of the insurance industry and of the association that represents it: “risk solidarity for a strong Swiss society and economy”. The solidarity of the communities of insured persons, coupled with the risk-bearing capacity of insurers, strengthens not just Swiss society but the entire economy.

The SIA thinks and acts liberally, is a prominent player and understands the importance of dialogue.
The strategic issues that concern us
The insurance industry plays a role in many areas of the economy and society – be that in upholding living standards, as an employer, in the prevention of natural hazards or as a property owner. As such, it considers that it has a duty to help solve socio-political issues and to actively promote the successful and sustainable development of its locations. Through its objectives and measures, the strategy contributes to making the economy and society more resilient and helps to underline the economic importance of private insurance.
As part of its strategy, the SIA sets seven strategic priorities and aligns its activities with them internally and externally.
We strive for optimum conditions
A liberal market economy and a fiscally restrained environment make Switzerland an attractive and competitive hub for finance and insurance. The SIA is committed to ensuring the best possible national and international framework that will strengthen Switzerland as an insurance and reinsurance centre. This includes fighting against the expansion of monopolies and favouritism shown to semi-public institutions.
We push for appropriate regulation and supervision
Balanced regulation is crucial for keeping the industry innovative and competitive. The SIA promotes proportionate regulations that are appropriate to insurers’ business models. It is committed to accordingly sustainable regulatory requirements and properly designed regulation regarding matters such as pension schemes and life insurance, sustainability and artificial intelligence. The association also works to optimise supervisory practice and strives for a balance between the objectives of protection for insured persons and the empowerment of the private insurance industry.
We enhance vocational training and develop and attract skilled workers
A strong training policy and a liberal labour market policy are important pillars for the competitiveness of the industry. In dialogue and in collaboration with education and research partners as well as other players, we actively help shape the future of vocational training. By developing future-proof career profiles, helping to design training curricula, and conducting training and research activities, we boost the appeal of the insurance industry and attract, retain and develop qualified workers.
We achieve and maintain insurability
A major risk can cause immense economic and intangible damage to the economy and society and annul the principle of insurance. This applies, in particular, to the major risks of cyber risks and earthquakes, as well as to risks associated with sustainability. We are committed to realising a suitable framework so that these risks remain financially viable and their insurability is increased. In addition to insurance solutions, this includes preventive measures and, where appropriate, collaboration with government agencies.

With the SIA's new strategy, President Stefan Mäder (right) and Director Urs Arbter set the association's main priorities.
We actively improve the pension system
The three-pillar system is the bedrock of social security in Switzerland. We are committed to the sustainable design and modernisation of the old-age and survivors’ insurance (OASI) system and promote occupational and private pension schemes. Occupational pensions must be adapted to the changing needs of society and the world of work. To this end, we support initiatives to improve the population’s knowledge of financial and pension matters and encourage further progress in pension digitalisation that is consistently geared towards the needs of customers.
We boost supplementary health insurance
Supplementary health insurance plays an important role in individual healthcare provision. We demonstrate its added value for service providers and insured persons, and thus promote market-oriented healthcare. In addition to an increased emphasis on the importance of supplementary health insurance, when it comes to regulation and supervision, the SIA particularly focuses on ensuring that supplementary health insurers have a degree of freedom to design products and services. We are also committed to making sure that additional benefits are defined, evaluated and charged for in a manner that is transparent and comprehensible for insured persons.
We get involved in public discourse with clear policy positions
The task of best representing the interests of the insurance industry calls for clear policy positions and close collaboration with all stakeholders. As a fact-based and dialogue-oriented industry association, we address new issues and are in constant dialogue with policymakers, administrative authorities, supervisory bodies and the media. We also collaborate with umbrella business associations and strive to strengthen and further expand the network of relationships with our stakeholders.