Thomas Hel­bling to suc­ceed SVV CEO


The Swiss Insurance Association SVV has nominated Vice-Chancellor Thomas Helbling to succeed Lucius Dürr as its CEO.

Zurich, 1. April 2016 – The Swiss Insurance Association SVV has nominated Vice-Chancellor Thomas Helbling to succeed Lucius Dürr as its CEO. Thomas Helbling will leave the Federal Chancellery and take over the helm of the SVV by early 2017. This means that he shall have ample time to familiarise himself with his new responsibilities. In November 2017, Lucius Dürr will reach retirement age. Up to this date, he will continue to lead the divisions „International Affairs“ and „Special Operations“, thereby assuring a seamless transition.

From 2003 until 2008, Thomas Helbling headed the Public Affairs business area at the life insurance company Swiss Life. In 2008, Thomas Helbling was appointed Vice Chancellor of the Swiss Confederation by the Swiss Federal Council. He will step down from this function by the end of June 2016. Earlier, Thomas Helbling had been acting as a personal adviser to Federal Councillors Adolf Ogi and Samuel Schmid. He is a licensed attorney-at-law in the canton of Berne and holds a LLM degree of King's College, London. Moreover he successfully completed an Advanced Management Program at the Harvard Business School (AMP 174) in Boston, USA. 

Urs Berger, Chairman of the SVV: „I am very happy that Thomas Helbling has agreed to assume become our new CEO, as he has in-depth knowledge of both the political and the private sectors’ needs and procedures. In this highly important function, he will bridge the gaps between the political institutions and the economy.“

Lucius Dürr has been heading the SVV since 2002. His work and his merits shall be acknowledged in full by a later-date tribute.