Reintegration tool to support occupational reintegration
The reintegration toolbox is a web-based extension of the existing print-based compendia on reintegration following an accident or illness. It supplies reliable data on the progression of incapacities for work and thereby enables peer-group-based diagnoses.
It is difficult to prognosticate a person’s return to work, once he or she is off due to an accident or an illness, as there is often a dearth of concrete and tangible data that would permit a precise estimate. Time is an essential element for correct, early-stage decision making and initiating measures – in the incapacitated person’s best interest and to ensure that his/her case is managed effectively.
A supportive tool for employers
The reintegration toolbox (RE toolbox) helps to calculate the presumed duration of an incapacitated person’s absence following an accident or illness, the cost correlated with such absences the need for further measures such as employing a case manager..
Die Reintegrations-Toolbox unterstützt Versicherer und Arbeitgeber in der Wiedereingliederung von Arbeitnehmenden
Als Arbeitgeber setzen Sie sich am einfachsten mit Ihrem Unfall- oder Krankentaggeldversicherer in Verbindung.
Interessierten Versicherern steht die SVV Solution AG für weitere Auskünfte gerne zur Verfügung: infosvvsolution [dot] ch