Podcast – Higher taxes on lump-sum pension withdrawals?
In the podcast "Börsenstrasse Fünfzehn", Alexandra Janssen and Fabio Canetg discuss the monetary policy of the world's leading central banks, current stock market topics and the economic policy of the Federal Council and Parliament. A respectful and good-humoured debate about stocks, interest rates, money and inflation - entertaining and exciting for anyone who wants to make up their own mind.

Börsenstrasse 15: Alexandra Janssen and Fabio Canetg discuss the monetary policies of the world's leading central banks, the latest stock market developments and the economic policies of the Federal Council and Parliament.
Höhere Steuern beim Kapitalbezug von Vorsorge-Guthaben?
Summary: The consultation on Finance Minister Karin Keller-Sutter's austerity and relief package will start in the next few days. The package includes new taxes, for example on withdrawals from 3a and pension fund assets. Supporters say this will generate additional revenue for the state and close a tax loophole for the wealthy. Opponents warn against changing the rules in the middle of the game: what do Alexandra Janssen and Fabio Canetg think?
Meanwhile, in the US, Donald Trump is set to become president again. He wants to raise tariffs on imported goods to protect the American economy. Under what conditions could this work? He also wants Fed Chairman Jerome Powell to cut interest rates. Alexandra Janssen and Fabio Canetg discuss the legal hurdles of this idea and consider what would happen if the Fed suddenly had two chairmen...
You can find the complete episode from the 14th of February 2025 on:
Alexandra Janssen completed a doctorate at the University of Zurich and is now CEO of the asset management company ‘ECOFIN Portfolio Solutions’. She is also a member of the scientific advisory board of the "Institut für Schweizer Wirtschaftspolitik" at the University of Lucerne.
Fabio Canetg completed his doctorate at the University of Bern and the Toulouse School of Economics and now works as a lecturer at the Universities of Bern and Neuchâtel, as an economic consultant for financial institutions and the media, and as a freelance moderator, speaker and copywriter.
SVV Sponsoring
The Swiss Insurance Association (SIA) is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year. The SIA is using this anniversary as an opportunity to reflect on how to improve the financial literacy of the Swiss population, particularly with regard to topics such as pensions. For this reason, the SIA is pleased to support the podcast Börsenstrasse Fünfzehn by the two thoroughbred economists, Alexandra Janssen and Fabio Canetg. As the political voice of Swiss private insurers, promoting financial literacy in Switzerland is of strategic importance to the SIA.
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