The SIA – sus­tain­able so­lu­tions for in­di­vid­u­als and cor­po­ra­tions


The Swiss private insurers are major employers, significant taxpayers and among the most important investors both in Switzerland and abroad. The Swiss Insurance Association works to promote an economically viable framework – for the benefit of the entire economy.

The SIA is the umbrella organisation that represents the private insurance industry. Its membership consists of some 80 primary insurance companies and reinsurers with over 46,000 employees in Switzerland. The SIA members generate over 90 per cent of the Swiss premium volume in private insurance.

As employers, taxpayers and investors, the Swiss private insurers are a pillar of the Swiss economy. They assume and cover companies’ and private individuals’ financial risks. Insurance companies are an important mainspring of the Swiss economy,

A viable framework is therefore not only important to the insurers themselves, but also to the individuals and enterprises in our country, not to forget its capabilities for innovation. This is what the SIA stands for. To carry out its mandate, the association promotes a liberal and socially sustainable organisation of competition and markets.

The SIA is a member of national and international associations and organisations. Representing the Swiss insurance industry and promoting the interests of its members, the SIA maintains an active dialogue with, among others, economiesuisse, the Swiss Employers’ Association, the European insurance and reinsurance federation (Insurance Europe) and the Global Federation of Insurance Associations (GFIA).

The SIA is financed by contributions from its member companies.